Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Hypocrites

So this outgoing girl at workplace  became talk of the town in no time.people were more interested in her increasing waist size then anything else in their little fucked up worlds.
With which guy she was talking in cafeteria,what she posts on facebook(is that thing she wearing shows her thighs?...clearly??)
I knew there were sets of screwed and more screwed people around me.One who pretends to have "do not give a shit" attitude about anyone at workplace, pretends to be chilled out,have totally fucked up life outside.Second ones who are total losers outside,somehow landed in this job, interested more in people's personal life than their work.over this one year i have started respecting first kind of people more....most.
So, it is when i met third kind of people..the Hypocrites( suckers)...the ones who listen stories... Spice them up...judge people to the insane extend based on their fantasized stories. The only difference is these people are no different than the people they talk nonsense about, but then this is how hypocrisy works...pretend to have moral values, judge people upon those falsely set standards, be exactly the same person you judge every other day without realizing it.

Back to the girl at office, so there are stories circulating about her every day whereabouts.i was given good amount of suggestions( mostly indirect) by random people that i should as well stay away from her.3 months down the line,i am glad i didn't took any of those randoms seriously. Who else would have been there when i was unsure about this guy who anyways was not right for me and yet i started to enjoy the attention and she was the only one who sat there and listen to my cribbing without judging me, or the other time when she dressed me up for party because i was too naive to put on eyeliner or mascara.
Not all the times you go upstream and feel glad about it in later times.this was one of those times, i didn't do it because i wanted to prove me or her right infact it was one of those times when i turned a blind eye to all those hypocrites and i am glad i did.there was nothing to loose and a friend to gain.Gladly, i like my choices :)

1 comment:

  1. Very well said dear :) I feel sad we are living with such hypocrites with a smile on our faces, knowing when they deserve a punch in their faces. I am glad you made your choices :)
